Policy of Guild Raids

1. Operational Behavior
Raid information is posted on the web board. If you want to participate in a raid then you need to review and respond to the information posted on the boards. Do not expect to receive complete raid information via guildchat. If you want to participate read the board!

Raid Leader and prime assists to be agreed on before commencing the raid, and changes to this during the raid will be announced. Your raid party leaders and officers will treat you with respect - extend them the same courtesy.

As a courtesy to all involved and to better ensure Raid/Mission success it is important during the event you remain quiet and pay attention to the operation leader(s) unconditionally. If you feel you MUST convey information to the Raid/Mission leader(s), message it to your party leader in direct tell. Only the party leader(s) may message the Raid Leader directly.

Do not whine about experience, loot or needing a rez. It is sometimes very difficult for someone to break off what they are doing and traverse half the world to rez you - if they can't, make arrangements of your own - ask for a rez over /guildchat as a *last resort*, if one isn't forthcoming do not whine about it.

Exercise your class abilities to the fullest extent possible (heal, buff, taunt etc). This applies within and outside of your party as appropriate. If for example you are the only cleric or shaman then you have a responsibility for those not grouped with you who are on the mission. Remain Honorable, Mature and exercise patience.

If at any point during the raid, you feel unable to follow the direction given by the Raid Leader, or if you have a conflict preventing you from exercising your abilities to the fullest extent possible for the duration of the raid, then make everyone on the raid aware and plan your departure. Or if the commanding officer asks you to detach from the operation then do so.You must accomplish your departure such that you do not expose the remaining team to danger.

5. Leaving During a Raid:
If you know prior to the beginning of the Raid that you will be leaving before the end, PLEASE let the Raid Leader know so you may be placed accordingly. If you must leave during a raid it is YOUR responsibility to allert your group leader as soon as possible. Unless a Wizard is available to TL you out retreat is also YOUR responsibility. When getting a TL, be sure to get the Wizard’s agreement and wait until you are “boxed” to disband from your group. No one wants you to die because your group did not know you needed assistance. If you should return, DO NOT expect that someone will be available to bring you back to the group, though that may be possible.

During Raid Campaigns, party leaders will be the designated “Loot Master” or will assign the designated looter in their group. If you join a Raid, you must abide by these rules. You are not to loot during this time unless you are the LM.

The Raid/Mission Leader will communicate to the participants how/when the loot will be distributed - this is normally via alpha-random amongst applicable classes. Location of “nodrop” items will be announced over Raid Channel, please make your party leader aware of items you need prior to raid and be sure they are aware of any plans you have to move to loot the item BEFORE heading off. Excess equipment on a raid will be provided to the Guild Quartermaster to be distributed to an applicable member of the guild, or held for trading/selling to increase guild funds.

    [see Policy on Visitors]

    a) Guild Equipment:
    All members of the Guild are encouraged to donate surplus equipment to the Guild. This surplus equipment will be catalogued and overseen by the Guild Quartermaster who is responsible for the distribution of this equipment to Guild members who require it. The key to our success is sharing and making sure that everyone is taken care of.
    b) Guild Treasury:
    To best position our guild to host raids and such we ask that EVERYONE participate in giving money to a trust fund. We will not set a percentage or a limitation. Contributions are voluntary, but do remember that a little plat can buy a lot of “good will“. One form of contributing to the fund is by attending raids and allowing your share to be donated to the treasury. We ask that you give as much as you can, knowing that it is for a good cause... our Guild’s survival.
    c) Visitors:

      Visitors attending raids may be any one of the folowing:
      1) alternate of an active guild member, who may or may not be in another
      2) a past member of Lost Legion who left in good standing with the guild.
      3) a person well known by one or more Legionnaires.
      4) a person being considered for guild membership.

    d) A person falling into one of the first 2 catagories may be assigned as LM for their group the last 2 may not. In addition, persons falling into either of the last 2 categories must be in the group with a/the Guild member who advanced the invitation. If that guild member held a key position in the raid the Raid/Mission Leader may need to make changes in positioning. Only visitors in the first 3 categories may hold a key position in a Lead group. Visitor in the first category shall be treated as a Guild Member in every sense.

    e) When a visitor in any of the last 3 categories is present, Party Leader must clarify loot policy before the raid begins:

      1) Visitors are welcome to any “nodrop” loot not required by a Legionnaire who is present and available to loot said item. As in if an items drops and is lootable by the Visitor’s group he shall have first chance at it unless it is rare and specified by a Legionaire prior to raid. If item is lootable by another group Legionnaires have first chance at it.
      2) Visitors may roll for items lootable by their group once the raid is over, and may collect an equal portion of dropped loot. As in if there be 5 in his group, he is entitled to a fifth of the looted coins and any non- roll item which may be his reasonable share.

7. Joint Raids:
In addition to the normal purposes of Raids, Joint Raids with other guilds are to build comraderie within the society of Everquest. As such it is needful that groups be compiled of members from each guild.

    a) Parties should be formed so that each guild be represented well, but not necessarily equally. There will be Party Leaders from each guild, each group will contain a majority of members from the PL’s guild. As in if the group have 6 members, then 4 be of the PL’s guild. If the group have 5, then 3 be of the PL’s guild.
    b) Each group need not contain members from each guild if one guild out number the other.
    c) Loot rules will be agreed upon prior to the raid. It is hoped that the other guild will accept out Visitors Policy and the make-up of each group be the determining factor of which guild receives what loot. As in if the PL be a Legionnaire then the other guild members be treated as visitors, and if the PL be of the other guild, then the Legionnaires in that group be treated as visitors.
    d) Any special item that is required by members of either Guild should be esstablished before the raid begins. As in it be the individuals responsibility to know what drops they need prior to the raid and communicate this to the Party Leaders of their own guilds. This does not mean members will not receive “nodrop” items they were previously unaware of, only that those who have called them get first chance.

8. Exploitation:
If your sole purpose in going on raids is purely a selfish one, such as to get something for yourself, when you have done nothing to assist others, then do us all a favor and don’t join the raid, better yet, leave the guild. There is nothing more tasteless than to witness an anti-grouping member who whines about wanting guild support to acquire X item for them when the whiner makes no effort to help others.

    Anyone found exploiting EQ in any manner will be removed from the Guild